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Recruitment Advt. for the post of Registrar and Administrative Officer


Application are invited for one post of Registrar on direct recruitment basis and Administrative Officer on Contract basis. ARIES is an Autonomous Scientific Research Institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.

Sl. No. Post and
Pay Scale
Age Limit No. Of Post Application Fee Link to Apply

Registrar (Direct Recruitment)
Pay Level -12 (As per Pay Matrix of 7th Pay Commission)

Below 50 years as on 7th April 2023 01(UR) Rs. 500 APPLY NOW
2 Administrative Officer (on short term contract)
Rs. 67700+ DA @38%= Rs.93426/- (Revised DA shall be admissible on above mentioned pay).
Below 50 years as on 7th April 2023 01 Nil APPLY NOW
Sl.No. Name of Post Pay Level Age Limit No. Of Post Category Educational Qualification and Experience
1 Registrar 12 Below 50 years as on 7th April 2023 01 UR
  1. Essential:
    1. A Post-Graduate Degree from a recognized University/Institution with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade
    2. 10 years experience of supervision of office management/administration/ finance and accounts/establishment a senior position in a research institution/University/ Government or Autonomous organizations out of which at least 3 years of experience in the Pay Level-11[As per 7th Pay Commission] or equivalent scale
  2. Desirable:
    Conversant in use of computers for office automation.
2 Administrative Officer NA Below 50 years as on 7th April 2023 01 --
  1. Graduate in any discipline from recognized University.
  2. The applicant should have minimum 10 years’ experience in the Central Govt./Central Autonomous Bodies and must have sound knowledge of establishment, administration, accounts and finance as per Govt. norms.


1. Selection Criteria: Selection will be on the basis of experience of the applicant in the establishment, administration, finance and accounts in the Govt. Department and a personal interaction. The person should be well acquainted with the functioning of Central/State Govt. Ministries/ PSUs/ autonomous organizations etc.

2. How to Apply: The applications for the post of Registrar on direct recruitment basis and Administrative Officer on Contract basis is to be filled online only. No other mode of application shall be accepted. The last date of submitting the application is on or before 07/04/2023 up to 5:00 PM. The applicants already working in Govt./Semi- Govt./PSU/Autonomous Institutions should apply either through proper channel or shall bring NOC from their office/department at the time of appearing in the interview.

3. Application Fee: Application fee of Rs. 500/- is to be paid online for Registrar post and reference UTR is required to be attached with the online application. No application fee is required to pay for Administrative Officer post.

4. The interested and eligible candidates can view the detailed notification mentioning all the details regarding eligibility criteria and may submit the application through online mode only, by clicking the tab "APPLY NOW".  Applications other than online mode shall not be accepted. The last date of submission of the online application is  07/04/2023 up to 5:00 PM. The candidates are advised to visit regularly our website for further changes/corrigendum. 

Terms & Conditions

