Call Letter for the skill test
Call letter for the Skill Test to be held on 24 July, 2022 (PA, LDC, MTS)
Call letter to all the shortlisted candidates for the posts(PA, LDC, MTS) has been sent at the e-mail addresses provided by the candidates while filling the application form. However, the candidates who have not received the call letter through e-mail can download from below link :
Call letter for skill test (PA, LDC, MTS)
Note : Candidates are required to fill-up this Call-letter with all the mentioned details (Roll No., Name, Father's Name) and have to affix the same photograph (which was pasted on your application) in the space provided.
It is mandatory to bring this Call letter along with you for the Skill Test on 24.07.2022 at St. Theresa Senior Secondary School, Kathgodam.
Instructions for Typing Test for the posts of PA, LDC & MTS Exam 2022
S.No. | Exam Name | Exam Language(s) and font names | Exam Duration (In Minutes) |
Speed Calculation Rules | Provision for Grace |
1. | Personal Assistant | English (Times New Roman) |
10 minutes | The typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English on computer (35 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word. | 5% errors will be relaxed in typed matter. If errors will exceed 5%, each error will be counted five times per error and will be deducted from the correct words, e.g. 01 mistake=1x5= 5 mistakes. |
2. | LDC | English(Times New Roman) or Hindi(Kruti Dev 010) |
10 minutes | The typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English on computer correspond to 10500 KDPH or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on computer correspond to 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word. | 5% errors will be relaxed in typed matter. If errors will exceed 5%, each error will be counted five times per error and will be deducted from the correct words, e.g. 01 mistake=1x5= 5 mistakes. |
3. | MTS | English(Times New Roman) or Hindi(Kruti Dev 010) |
10 minutes | The typing speed of 30 w.p.m. (correspond to 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word) in English/Hindi. | 5% errors will be relaxed in typed matter. If errors will exceed 5%, each error will be counted five times per error and will be deducted from the correct words, e.g. 01 mistake=1x5= 5 mistakes. |
Note : The shorthand test for the post of Personal Assistant (PA) shall be conducted as per the terms & conditions of the advertisement.