Atmospheric Science
Research activities in the Atmospheric Sciences Group are oriented towards a better understanding of the complex processes (physical, chemical and dynamical) operating in the Earth's atmosphere. The Atmospheric Research Group was established in the year 2002 with a humble beginning of Aerosol Optical Depth Observations. followed by BC, Ozone, CO, NOy, CH4, SO2 , NMHCs, CO2, N2 O and boundary layer meteorology (tower based) is also taken into account. ARIES has also established a wind profiling facility using stratospheric troposphere radar (ST radar), lidar and balloon-borne observations of ozone.
Research Program
Trace gases: Surface observations of many trace gases, including greenhouse gases, known Has happened. The vertical distribution and meteorological parameters of ozone are being measured using balloon-borne sensors.
Boundary Layer Meteorology: ARIES is a meteorological instrument for comprehensive observation of the boundary layer Equipment is Equipment is the tower that hosts the study.
Mobility: Using the ARIES ST radar and balloon-borne GPS radiosonde is being done.
Aerosols: Various physical, optical and chemical properties of aerosols are being observed. Aerosol scattering properties (nephelometer) and aerodynamic particle size (APS) are being observed.
Observing Facilities/Instruments
- High Energy Pulse Lidar
- Micro Pulse Lidar
- Ozonesonde and Radiosonde
- Meteorological Tower (27 m)
- Trace Gas Analyzer (Ozone, CO, NOy, SO2)
- Gas Chromatographs (NMHCs)
- Athlometer
- Nephelometer
- Aerodynamic Particle Shaper
- Sun Sky Radiometer
- VLF receiver
- GNSS receiver
Atmospheric Sciences Data Access
PhD courses
- Introduction to Atmospheric Science
- Meteorology and& Dynamics
- Atmospheric Trace Gases
- atmospheric aerosols