My primary research interest lies in high energy cosmic transients such as Gamma Ray Bursts, Supernovae, Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources and various other exotic transients. My research group studies these transients across the different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. I am also interested in large surveys which result in the discovery and detection of new transients - the upcoming ILMT survey being the primary one in India.
Transient astrophysical phenomena, Optical survey, Big data
Misra, K., Resmi, L., Kann, D. A. et al. 2019, under review in MNRAS
Gangopadhyay, A., Turatto, M., Benetti, S., Misra, K. et al. 2020, MNRAS, 499, 129
Gangopadhyay, A., Misra, K., Hiramatsu, D. et al. 2020, ApJ, 889, 170
Dastidar, R., Misra, K., Valenti, S. et al. 2019, MNRAS, 490, 1605
MAGIC collaboration, Acciari, V. A. et al. including Misra, K. 2019, Nature, 575, 459
Singh, M., Misra, K., Sahu, D. K. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 474, 2551
Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Cenko, S. B. et al. including Misra, K. 2011, Science, 333, 199